Award winning book illustrated by deb hoeffner
Written by Kelley Merritt
Book available here
Hearts are softened as storytelling strengthens an unspoken bond between eight-year-old Michael and his friend on the porch. The man helps the young boy build memories that make him proud when he has a son of his own. In return, the friend finds happiness as he learns to dream through the eyes of others. The bond between the man and the young boy is a story about making a difference — the story of A Friend on the Porch.
“This beautifully illustrated small book shows and tells how an eight-year-old boy listens and learns about life, people and consequences from a stranger. The old man, who sits out on his porch with his dog welcomes the boy when he comes to the stairs to listen. While their worlds are far apart, he gives the boy insight into the adult world he can carry into his own adulthood. Kelley Merritt rewards children reaching the age of reason a first step into learning about life.” —Next Generation Indie Book Awards Judge
Always remember — your heart can only open from the inside.